The Phantom Crew


Hellen Bach

Age: 127

Languages: English and Latin

Hellen Bach is ready to take you on a wild ride through the spooky streets of Savannah ! After a century of searching for souls she’s developed a wicked sense of humor and a collection of hair raising tales to share with her guests! Hellens puns and red hot wit will have you on you burning up with laughter !

Hellen offers a tour that will have you screaming with delight! 


Cema Terry

Age: A lady never tells!

Languages: English, Ghostly Whispers, and Sarcasm

Hailing from the dark corners of Savannah, Sima Terry has been haunting the streets of Savannah for as long as anyone can remember! Sima is known for her ability to scare up a good time on her hearse tours. Sima shares tales of the cities most notorious hauntings and is known to crack a joke or two along the way!

Sima offers a tour that will bring you laughter and a shiver down your spine!


Ivan Trublood

Age: Immortal

Languages: English and Ghostly whispers 

Ivan Trublud is a vampire-turned-ghost tour guide with a dark past and a knack for storytelling that keeps his audiences on the edge of their seats. Once a creature of the night, Ivan has since embraced his undead existence to share the eerie tales and haunted histories of the places he’s known for centuries. Ivan Trublud offers an unforgettable journey into the supernatural, leaving his guests both thrilled and chilled.


Robin Graves

Age: 28 (or 128???)

Languages: English and Ghostly Whispers

Unearthed in Savannah a century ago Robin has spent decades roaming the graveyards of Savannah in search of treasure. Along the way

Robin has collected ghostly tales and spooky stories and is dying to share those tales with you as you take a journey through the eerie streets of Savannah in a hearse!

Robin offers a tour that is both thrilling and hilarious!


Hoodoo Joe

Age: ???!

Languages: English and Southern Charm

Born under the Spanish moss on a moonlit night Hoodoo has a deep connection to the spirits of Savannah ! Ride along with him for an unforgettable night of tales of the mischievous spirits that still haunt the Savannah streets! His “dead” ication to his bad jokes will have you cracking up as you make you way through the city!

Hoodoo offers a thrill filled tour with laughs said to raise the dead!


Daisy Pusher

Age: Timeless

Languages: English and Gothic 

Born and raised in the shadows of Savannah Daisy knows all the best spots for ghostly encounters and eerie tales.  From restless sprit tales to jokes about “ghoul-diggers” of the past Daisy will have you pushin up daisies with laughter!

Daisy offers a tour that will have you gasping for air! Whether it’s from fright or laughter you’ll have to wait and  find out!


Dee Composing

Age: Timeless

Location: The Great Beyond

Languages: English and Ghostly Whispers 

Dee hails from the underground of Savannah, not one to lay around and rot Dee is always in search of new haunts! As she navigates the hearse through the eerie streets of Savannah, Dee serenades you with tales that are truly terrifying and jokes so bad they’re good!

Dee offers a tour that is a spooky laugh a minute! Just don’t lose your composure!


Noah Escape

Age: Ain’t Nothin but a Number

Languages: English and Sarcasm

Noah digs straight jackets and bad dad jokes! Buckle up for a thrilling tales as you ride through the haunted streets of the city, with Noah at the wheel be prepared to die laughing or maybe in fear!
Noah will take you to some of his favorite haunts and share tales so terrifying you'll hide under your covers.

Noah  offers a thrilling tour with jokes so bad they’re good.